Those among us who dont own a PS2 or XBOX are not able to play any WWE games at all, But here is an un-official Mod that is available on the internet which converts your WWF RAW( 2002) into WWE RAW 2007, Whole new Roster, all new Superstars, All of them have new entrance videos & music.The Facial expressions have been increased to max,
While I was planing to make a home version of my own but stopped when i went through this Mod. Its great try it today.
Its 100MB's zipped, You can download from Here
NOTE: If you dont have the"WWF RAW" game installed in your PC you wont be able to patch it, But still you can play the game it with some lack of music, sound effects & videos.
PS: This is not the Create a Superstar Edited Version available at Market under the name of RAW 2.
PIII 600Mhz
800 MB Free HDD Space
From website:
"WWE RAW 2007
WWE RAW(RAW 1,RAW2) to WWE RAW 2007.
New WWE stars added are : Batista,Jhon Cena,Bobly Lashley,Rey Mesterio,Great Khali, Randy Orton, Sandman, Ray Mesterio, Sabu, GOLDBERG, brock Lesner and many more.
Old players like Undertaker,Kain,Rock etc have been updated in this version."