Tomorrows Gaming today starts with a new Story “Gaming Violence”.. we all need to participate and play our roles to prevent gaming violence around the globe. No no I don’t want to lead a mob against the game developers. And don’t even want this topic to be misunderstood by parents and might stop your gaming days.
Facts are Heavy Violence mixed games seems to have a effect in some teenage minds, some time a change in there accent and behavior has been found- this is what every one near and far are talking about. Even in some Hollywood Movies have been complained of these kind of things. Many of the games today get denied from sensor board due to excess gore and violence. Anyway I don’t want to get in a argument between weather kidz are getting good & bad or ugly effects by playing games.
Instead today I am writing about some games that have a lot of violence and all of they haven a reason of some one’s murder or things breaking the law…. More or less each & every gamer out there are familiar to these games.
1. Mortal Kombat ( 1992)
Just from when Mortal Kombat was out it was reported for a lot of blood, Sharp Objects used to Cut off a arm leg or to put gutts out-in!! But I suppose gamers don’t get afraid of seeing Too much blood Gore etc instead they get more interested. I m not saying we all are psychopaths, but after all complains There has been many future versions of Mortal Kombat and they have all followed the same way as their forefathers! Another Thing in this game to be discussed was its Fatality Option which was used after you defeat your opponent you can use some special moves to take em completely out on there way to hell. You could do that by removing their Arm-Legs, Neck, Head cut off, cut the whole Body in peaces with a machete or so. After receiving lots of reports & charges all over the globe the makers got a better Idea to improve their games, They didn’t take off the fatality option instead added 2 new options to it!!! 1. Babalities & 2. Friendship.
In Babalities after the fight is over both opponents turn into Baby’s & in Friendship Both start to shake each others hand and become friends!!
DOOM (1994)
The most known first person shooter game that started a whole new erra of FPS. We might not find a gamer who never herd about it. From the grate path of Doom we got the next gen- FPS games like Quake 2, Delta Force, MOH, COD. At last even doom had to be the prey of Gaming Violence, When a young teenage boy named Evan from Kansas City, U.S.A entered his school with a loaded shotgun and went on a horrific rampage, he killed one of His school class mates and His Principal at February 15 1997. Evans father Don Ramsay later on told the police that his son Evan was a serious fan of the computer Game Doom, and probably he did all of this for trying to do the same in the real world!!
Duke Nukem 3D ( 1996)
.Another popular Game is Duke Nukem 3D. I used to call it Duck (the “Duck of Death” Actually) how ever This Game was Banned by the government of Brazil, Justice ministry declared to ban total 6 games including This Duke and was going to take all copy’s of it from store’s. Other games included doom, Mortal Kombat, Requiem, Blood, Postal.
A 24 year old boy named Mateus Da Costa Meira had the most important role behind The banning of these games.
He was a medical Student & he killed 3 people by shooting at rage and Hurt other 8. After he was caught he told the police that he did this all by copying “ Duke Nukem” ! Now who to blame! Call him Psycho, but I say all that medical stuff made him go berserk!!
Carmageddon (1997)
This Driving / Racing Game was highly complained for its game play, because The main reason was if You would drive over some pedestrian walking on the footpath or road you would get extra Points, bonus and extra Game Play time!!! More to it was how stylish was your killing of a pedestrian as you could gain extra points! And to courage Gamers to kill Pedestrians they even had some messages like Splatter Bonus, bonus for Artistic impressionetc.
But unfortunately this pedestrian Killing Game was driven Over when Germany and UK and their government declined to let any games like this to enter there country.
And at last for the UK version instead of human The Publisher used Zombie’s & for the German version They used robots! I don’t know if any other Game Has faced such a problem for accusing of violence.
Half Life (1998)
This game was the one of the greatest FPS games with a combination of strong storyline and great gameplay.It had won More that 50 Award in many websites and magazines for Game of The year 1998.
But tragedy took place when in 25th January of the year 2000 the board of sensors of Singapore declared to ban this game and all of its expansion Packs. They said that all teens and kidz are playing this game and they will be affected by the violence in it.
But only after 1 week of the declaration they removed the ban of Half Life saying that being in the market for more that 1 year it has spread all over the country and trying to ban it now is just no use!! (Go on Half Life!!!)
Solder Of fortune ( 2000)
It got lot’s of popularity just after its release in 2000. But the things in it like taking off some ones hand Leg Or head, Good guys or bad guys, killing every one in the end, throwing some one under the subway train, and heads getting cut by open Fan,s etc made this game very violent and had to face many problems. For those reasons It was rated Adult and was banned for teen’s in Canada-Province, British& Colombia..
Grand Theft Auto
In the Gaming world GTA has its own reputation. There has been many accusing of this game being the reason of encouraging people to attempt Murder, just Like that in February 2007, a jury in New Mexico finds Cody Posey, 16, guilty of two murder and one voluntary manslaughter for killing his parents and stepsister. He was convicted of first-degree murder for the death of his thirteen-year old sister, Marilea and second-degree murder for killing his stepmother, Tryone. He received the lesser count of voluntary manslaughter for killing his father Paul who Cody claimed abused him physically and emotionally from birth until the time of the shooting.
On September 25, the victims’ relatives filed a wrongful death suit seeking an unspecified amount of damages. They named Posey, Sony Entertainment, Take-Two Interactive Software, and Rockstar Games as defendants. They claim that Grand Theft Auto is a "murder-simulation device" that caused Posey to kill his family.
Just like that many Games had to face hard times. No matter how much violence it has now a days Action Games have entered such a era that they have their own category, which they cant be forced back. To say the least most games that have a lot of Violence have been a great hit.
After getting reported time and time again for a lot of violence Mortal Kombat ‘s publishers midway decided to use sweat instead of blood, they said that way the violence ratting of the game will get a little bit lower, sweat started to fall instead of blood, and midway released a version of Mortal Kombat with sweat, and what happened was; the fans of Mortal Kombat used the ultra fatality move and threw the game on the garbage disposal bin!